Photo Gallery
We love sharing photographs of our awesome children with parents/carers and their families. Here you can find many galleries, moments and memories of past events and occasions.
Arts Afternoon Gallery page link
Sustainability Project Gallery link
Year 6 Isle of Wight Trip photos link
Sports Teams 2020 photos link
Year 2 Xmas Show 2019 photos link
Year 1 Xmas Show 2019 photos link
Reception Xmas Show 2019 Photos link
Allotment and Cooking 2019 Photos link
Isle of Wight 2019 Photos link
Lowther Sports Day 2019 photos link
Kingswood 2019 photos link
Year 2 Nativity Photos link
Year 1 Xmas Show Photos link
Xmas Fair 2018 photos link
Reception Xmas Show 2018 Photos link
Playtime November 2018 Photos link
Isle of Wight 2018 Photos
Sports Autumn 2018 Photos link
Kingswood 2018 Photos
Fun in the Snow 2018 Photos link
Year 1 Christmas Show Photos Link
Reception Nativity 2017 Photos Link
Year 2 Nativity Photos 2017 Link
Sportshall Athletics 2017 Photos Link
Locality Sports 2017 Photos
Isle of Wight Photos link
Grounds Day 2017 Photos link
Year 6 Lego Movie 2017 Photos
Lowther Sports Day 2017 Photos
Kingswood 2017 Photos
Aladdin 2017 Photos
Community Day 2017 Photos
Lowther's Got Talent 2017 Photos
Pantomime Gallery 2016 Photos
Year 1 Christmas 2016 Photos
Reception Nativity 2016 Photos
Locality Sports 2016 Photos
Year 2 Nativity 2016 Photos
Playtime Autumn 2016 Photos
Harvest Festival 2016 Photos
Borough Athletics 2016 Photos
Isle of Wight 2016 Photos
  Happiness at Lowther More galleries
Happiness at Lowther Photos
Happiness at Lowther Photos
  Photo Gallery continued Photo Gallery ArchivePhoto Gallery Archive Internal link»Photo Gallery Archive Internal link
Year 6 Show 2016 Photos
Sports Day 2016 Photos
Daily Mile 2016 Photos
Health & Activity Week 2016 Photos
Grounds Day 2016 Photos
Kingswood 2016 Photos
Year 4 & 5 Show 2016 Photos
Community Day 2016 Photos
Reception Nativity 2015 Photos
Year 1 Xmas Show 2015 Photos
Whole School Panto 2015 Photos
Year 2 Nativity Photos
Y5 and Y6 Skating 2015 Photos
Y3 and Y4 Athletics 2015 Photos
Grounds Afternoon 2015 Photos
KS1 Pirate Day 2015 Photos
Girls Football Photos
Lowther in Action Photos
Year 4 Kingswood Trip 2015
A Midsummer's Night Dream Photos
Community Day 2015 Pt 1 Photos
World Book Day 2015 Photos
Lowther Bake Off 2014 Photos
Reception Nativity 2014 Photos
Christmas Jumper Day 2014 Photos
Basketball Tournament 2014 Photos
Year 2 Nativity 2014 Photos
Year 1 Nativity 2014 Photos
Girls Football Tournament 2014 Photos
New Artificial Grass Fun Photos
Takeover Day 2014 Photos
Mrs Wriglesworth Party 2014 Photos
Isle of Wight 2014 Photos
Pirate Day 2014 Photos
Yr 6 Madagascar Show Photos
Sports Day 2014 Photos
Summer Fair 2014 Photos
Skipping 2014 Photos
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