Hot and Cold Photo 1Hot and Cold Photo 2Hot and Cold Photo 3Hot and Cold Photo 4
Hot & Cold Cam Project
Year 4 have been doing an experiment to see what happens with the classroom temperature throughout the day...

We have setup these things for our project:

  • On the right we've put a Thermometer to measure and show the current temperature.
  • We've set a Webcam to record the temperature shown on the thermometer.

The webcam will record a new picture of the Thermometer every 30 minutes.



Here is the latest photograph taken by the webcam.

The current classroom temperature is shown on the thermometer by the top of the red bar.

Hot and Cold Photo 1
  • Can you tell what things will affect the classroom temperature?
  • Can you make any predictions about what will happen to the temperature?
  • We'd like you to write down what you've learned and show it to us in class.


Here is a slideshow with all the photos so far joined together to make a time-lapse effect...

To see the time lapse effects, please click on the 'Play' button, then sit back and watch the magic happen...

Hot & Cold Cam Project from Lowther School on Vimeo.

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